Taking the leap into Vagrant, Aegir and easy development

1 minutters læsning

After watching the presentation about Fearless development with drush, Vagrant and Aegir from Montreal by @ergonlogic. I decided that it was time to make my life easier when developing.

Therefore I installed Vagrant- and on one of the VM’s provided by Vagrant, I wanted to install Barracuda as I am using that in production. If you just want an aegir instance, you can use aegir-up. Adding a box and setting up Barracuda was fairly easy:

$ vagrant box add base https://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box
$ vagrant init
$ vagrant up

That brings me a box. I ssh’ed into the box by:

$ vagrant ssh

Then I could simply (logged into the box) follow the instructions from this page:

$ sudo su
$ wget -q -U iCab https://files.aegir.cc/BOA.sh.txt
$ bash BOA.sh.txt
$ boa in-stable local my@email

Make sure that you look for the login information in the terminal output. You need that to be able to see your octopus instances from the browser.

Edit the Vagrantfile

First edit the Vagrantfile and put in an IP. I also edited /etc/hosts and added that IP and had it point to the domains from the login information.

Next step

That is all there is to setting up a Barracuda with an octopus aegir instance on a VM, so I am not fiddling with setup of my main computer. Brilliant and cudos to the developers of both VirtualBox, Vagrant and BOA.

Next is figuring out how to do remote imports from my local barracuda VM, so I can fetch my production server projects locally like @ergonlogic does in his presentation. I tried the instructions on setting it op on Barracuda, but I cannot figure out how to add my LOCAL VM to autorized_hosts, and I guess that is why the local barracuda cannot talk to the production barracuda? I will let you know, if I find out?


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